With longevity in mind, the nutritious superfoods in Vitality have been chosen for their reported abilities to improve the immune system, reduce inflammation, improve sleep and to aid bodily functions.
We do not cut any corners and only combine nature’s finest ingredients so there are no artificial additives, sweeteners, colourants, anti-caking agents or preservatives.
To be consumed as part of a healthy, balanced diet and is not intended as food replacement.
With longevity in mind, the nutritious superfoods in Vitality have been chosen for their reported abilities to improve the immune system, reduce inflammation, improve sleep and to aid bodily functions.
We do not cut any corners and only combine nature’s finest ingredients so there are no artificial additives, sweeteners, colourants, anti-caking agents or preservatives.
To be consumed as part of a healthy, balanced diet and is not intended as food replacement.